Monday, January 30, 2012

DC Sketch Cards For Sale!

Putting up some of my DC Sketch Cards on ebay tonight and throughout the week. . .catch them before there gone forever!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Shockingly fun Batman fan film. . .with nipples!

Now I know the cheesy, nipple ridden Schumacher Bat-flicks almost destroyed the franchise (Thank God for Nolan). But this 12-minute fan film called Death Wish - which uses those nipped out costumes, is much closer in tone to the comics then those awful movies. Really. You should check it out. It's dark with some mild humor here and there, and gives the impression of a larger "Bat-family" like the comics. I for one wouldn't mind seeing a Batman tv series in this vain. With a bigger production value and a better sounding batman of course. Also - somebody please sand those damn nipples off the suites! It's distracting!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Harley Quinn

Harl in her Arkham City digs. This will probably be updated with a color version whenever I get around to it. . .

UPDATE: Here are the colors - with and without bubble gum!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My attempt on the hottest Red Lantern to spit some rage, Bleez. Here's a quick breakdown from start to finnish.
You've probably noticed that I managed to forget her ring all the way to the coloring stage. Quick mask tool to the rescue! Very handy when patching up line work this far into it.
A couple of hours and passes with the brush and lasso tool later - presto!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Another collaboration with Brett Strong. Brett did the pencils and colors. I handled the inks.
See more of Brett's work on deviant art


Saturday, January 7, 2012


Wonder Woman

Another practice piece with the wacom as requested on my Facebook page. WW in here new DCnu gear.