
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bad Brain

Acrylic painting on a 6"x6" canvas board.

8.28.11 - Movie Round Up

"Cyrus" was great. Most of it's humor is found in it's uncomfortable pauses/situations. Cyrus' slightly disturbing relationship with his mother really throws this into dark comedy territory. It's message about co-dependency and growth is a tad heavy handed sometimes, but it's a great message none the less.

"The Reef" was ok, albeit, slow in parts. Don't expect to see too much of the shark either.

"A Mighty Heart" took me by surprise - It's about the Daniel Pearl incident, and his wife's struggle during that time. Very visceral, and emotional.

Lastly, "Sucker Punch" which made me want to punch Zack Snyder in the face. It's such a shame all those amazing visuals went to a film that insults your intelligence every chance it gets. And I use the word film loosely - It's much more akin to an extended music video or demo reel.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


This is a little place to share my art, thoughts, and whatever eles comes along here. All my propaganda in one place! Feel free to leave any comments in the post or in the chatbox to the side. Enjoy -RIV